January 14, 2013

Review: Ten by Gretchen McNeil

Author: Gretchen McNeil
Series: N\A
Pages: 294
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Release Date: September 18th,2012


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Three-day weekend. Party at White Rock House on Henry Island.
You do NOT want to miss it.

It was supposed to be the weekend of their lives—an exclusive house party on Henry Island. Best friends Meg and Minnie each have their reasons for being there (which involve T.J., the school’s most eligible bachelor) and look forward to three glorious days of boys, booze and fun-filled luxury.

But what they expect is definitely not what they get, and what starts out as fun turns dark and twisted after the discovery of a DVD with a sinister message: Vengeance is mine.

Suddenly people are dying, and with a storm raging, the teens are cut off from the outside world. No electricity, no phones, no internet, and a ferry that isn’t scheduled to return for two days. As the deaths become more violent and the teens turn on each other, can Meg find the killer before more people die? Or is the killer closer to her than she could ever imagine?

Ten intrigued me from the moment I heard about it. I knew the moment I started to read, the ending was going to be a shocker and it frankly kind of scared to crap out of me because I was reading it and it was raining as well. ..Weird! Ten first reminded me of the old R.L. Stine Fear Street series and I loved that series. This book was no less either. Wow
There were many characters in Ten. I think my favorite was TJ and Meg. Minnie kind of got on my nerves as well as Vivian. Vivian I was so glad when she was finally gone. Overall the character development was great in this story. I really loved TJ’S and Meg’s growing relationship. I really didn’t like how faithful Meg was to Minnie and let her control her life. It was really irritating because Minnie was preventing Meg from doing what she really wanted to do and she didn’t have Meg’s back like Meg had hers. Another character I liked was Nathan. He was so funny; He was the one who had brought the laugh aspect to a funny situation.
The plot in this story was unbelievable, as it is in most mystery\horror stories. You never expected what came next. When I thought I knew who it was, I was proven wrong. I guessed who the killer was, but then they died. So it just got freaky and confusing. In this story I love the journal aspect. It’s like in Scooby- Doo or in CSI – they receive a clue and it all comes together. Even with the clue though there was just so many unanswered questions running through your mind until the end. Which, is what every good mystery contains.
The end of the book was mind blowing! In the end I was supper shocked and would have never guessed the killer was that person. This story really had that surprise ending aspect and the characters. I never knew who was going to get killed next and as the pieces started to add up I just wanted to rush through the book as fast as I could. This story was so amazing!
Ten was an amazing thriller and it’s the best mystery\horror story I’ve read in a while. If you haven’t checked out Ten yet you are missing out. Ten keeps you guessing until the end and you won’t believe how it ends. McNeil’s writing is captivating and draws you into the story. 

My Rating: 5 Out of 5 Towers


  1. I've heard so many mixed things about this book. I think it's: you hate it or you love it. I can't wait to find it out myself, because I still love the concept of this book. I like it when an author can keep you in the dark for such a long time! It makes the story even more creepy. Great review :D


  2. I love good suspense books, mostly books that I can't guess from the beginning. I have never heard of this book before... It seems interesting, I might check it out. You review is really nice! And your blog is beautiful!! FOLLOWING!!

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    Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl
