March 20, 2013

Discussion: Cover madness

Hey there guys,
Today I thought I'd try doing a similar thing as I've seen done once or twice and thought it looked like a good idea, but instead of U.K. vs. U.S. when I do it it can be U.S. verse any other country. when today searching through netgalley I came across 2 covers for the same book... I discuss below! P.S. I know your not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but honestly guys we all do this at one point or another :)

The Eternity Curse 

               US Cover                                                                      Australian Cover

On the left is the U.S. version while on the right is the Australian version.
 Honestly I am not quite sure which one is better.!! 
Okay so the problem lies here the U.S cover (Though I hate to say it) looks a bit plain while the Australian cover looks bold and interesting because of the colors and the picture. While I like both of them the clear winner for this one would have to be the Australian cover, but hey that's just my opinion! 
What do YOU think?! What one is better!?

Another one I have to say I'm interested in is....

Dare You To by Katie McGarry

US cover
Uk Cover

This one to me has be in debate for some people for quite sometime. When I first saw the US cover I was so excited because I am an OCD Freak with my covers matching and they match!!! Then I saw the UK cover honestly I am not really sure what to say about the UK version. I mean, sure the pictures are the same, but the font of the title does make a difference and I think the bold red scares me a way a bit. While, the US version drags me in! I again like them both, but judging the covers by which one would pull me in I would have to say the US Cover.

Enough of my opinion what do YOU think?!? 
Tell me in the comment section below and get a discussion going!


  1. For the Eternity Cure, I prefer the AUS one because it suits the old US cover of Immortal Rules! I'm a bit pissed about the cover makeover because now they won't match.
    For Dare You To, I prefer the US version. The font is less in-your-face and I prefer blue to red. Also the red one is somehow not as well blended in with the background and yeah... it's just somehow disruptive?
    Good cover comparison to pick! :)

  2. I much prefer the Aus cover of Eternity Cure - for one thing it matches with book 1 which is a must for me. I have the blue (US) one though as I got sent a proof copy, but thankfully the UK cover will be the same as the Aus one so I will buy it when it comes out.

    For Dare You To - I prefer the US, it's more subtle and does draw you in. The red of the UK one is a bit too agressive for me. I've read it and the white works better with the story.

    Great post!

  3. I agree with both of your choices. I like how the Australian cover of The Eternity Cure actually as a non-white girl as a model for the cover and the clean look of the US version of Dare You To.

    Thanks for sharing, Gabby :D
