October 19, 2012

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

My Life Next Door
 Author: Huntley Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Dial
Release Date: June 14th,2012

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love, Jase's family makes Samantha one of their own. Then in an instant, the bottom drops out of her world and she is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?

A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.


Hmm.. Have I so been on a contempary kick lately and I honestly have no clue why. All I can say is that I have really been enjoying them though. I bought this book a couple of weeks ago. Wow! This book hmm…
Samantha is really smart and does everything her mom tells her, but she is really curious as to what life is like besides how her mom has raised her and one day Jase comes over from next door. Omg from that moment on I was laughing and giggling and flipping pages just to get to the parts that he was in. It was so hard to do work in school and still try to read in between.
Samantha is really good girl, exactly how I am. Do what your parents tell you, work hard in school and get good grades to go to college. I really related to that aspect of her life. Her mom’s a politician and in my opinion has OCD. I mean come on who vacuums their carpet every day! She doesn’t like the Garrets because their normal-ish.  (Jase’s family) I mean things like leaving toys in the yard, and not keeping a garden makes them crazy. So, she doesn’t want Sam to hang out with her kids. Oh and Sam’s mom doesn’t like that she has too many kids. Seriously the Garrets if I do say so I turn out to be the nicest people ever!
Moving away from the subject of her mom, Jase’s mom and dad were so nice to Sam. Like seriously all Jase’s mom ever tried to be was nice to sam’s mom. Also, all of Jase’s siblings were so cute and lovable especially George and Duffy. George was so smart for being a little kid and Duffy was just kind of funny with all her boy troubles in the end.
Jase was an animal lover and that was so super cool of him. Plus he was so considerate and a gentleman. *Fangirling much I know. I am so glad they found each other because they really understood each other and were just perfect! Jase and Sam = another perfect YA couple. Sigh, how much I loved them. Jase did things for her that was so sweet and I was smiling every time he did. They really survived the ultimate challenge.
Sam really had to make a tough decision and I’m glad she made the one she did because I was yelling in my head and flipping out at her mom. Like seriously? This book literally is interesting and then takes the weirdest, shocking turn ever! Like seriously did not see that coming! How does someone….I don’t want to say it because I don’t want to spoil it, but it really took a nice in a way, crazy turn. Then again, that crazy turn brought everyone close and I like how it did that. Jase and Same really get each other and that’s what I liked about them so much. I was routing for them every step of the way.
Honestly this book was filled with twist and turns every step of the way. It was just all around flipping amazing! Everything was put to the test to see if it can withstand and all the characters in the end had some kind of development even Sam’s mom took a turn and finally woke up and realized reality.
There was not one time where I wasn’t completely shocked, happy, sad or raged in class trying to do work, but was so full of emotion. I can’t even remember what I was working on while reading it.  I recommend this book HIGHLY and with the elections coming up it’ll be a great time to read it, so be sure to go and read this book soon!


  1. I really enjoyed this book as well! Team George!!!! I loved him lol.

    Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. "Who vacuums their carpet daily?"

    *shyly raise my hand* Well, not really me, my mom...

    I've seen this around but I haven't been completely lured to read it until now. I am not a big fan of chic lit or slice of life. I was lucky enough to have my first chic lit read to be wonderfully AMAZING (AATFK). But other than that (and its companion book), I haven't found myself attracted to a chic lit book. But this one definitely looks promising. Adding it to my tbr shelf!

    Great review, Gabby :D

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